Invention Convention
Over the past several months, our amazing 6th , 7th and 8th grade science classes have engaged in creating their own genius inventions which impact the outside community at large. They have worked arduously and diligently through the design process in perfecting them and making sure they are ready to be shared with our IS 10 family!
On Wednesday, March 19th, we are inviting all of the IS 10 Community to come celebrate the annual Invention Convention, where the innovative inventions who made it to the final in-school round will be on display. After the event, the students and staff will help us choose which projects will move to the District 30 Science Expo the following week! We hope to see you there!
On Wednesday, March 19th, we are inviting all of the IS 10 Community to come celebrate the annual Invention Convention, where the innovative inventions who made it to the final in-school round will be on display. After the event, the students and staff will help us choose which projects will move to the District 30 Science Expo the following week! We hope to see you there!